We're Launching A Magazine
Wild Hearted Creative Magazine is an online magazine, created and written by creatives of all disciplines like artists, poets, travelers, coaches, muses, and bloggers, to empower and inspire creatives all over the world.
We want Wild Hearted Creative Magazine to be your source of inspiration, honesty, power, love, truth, and guidance.
If you want to join in, check out the next sections below on the monthly themes and how you can contribute and write for us or advertise with us.
I am also looking for regular contributors for specific columns like spiritual guidance for the month, or Ask *Name* questions and am open to ideas.
The magazine will be free to paid members of the Wild Hearted Creative Community.
If you are accepted as a contributor you will get a free copy of the issue you are in.
Know anyone who would be a good fit? Share this with them!
As a special first release, Issue #01 of Wild Hearted Creative Magazine is $3.00, and the subsequent issues will be $6.50 each.
If the demand is there for a print version, the price for that would be $12 with a minimum of 10 people being interested!
I will also launch an affiliate program and you can earn a 50% commission from the magazine subscription and recurring subscriptions! This is win-win-win!
This price will allow me to cover the necessary expenses to make Wild Hearted Creative Magazine an amazing source of inspiration and more while also remaining affordable and accessible for everyone.
By buying Wild Hearted Creative Magazine, people are supporting an entire community of creatives who are dedicating their lives to changing the world.
We are officially accepting contributions, so go to the next lesson and check out the themes and guidelines in the next module!
The very first issue of Wild Hearted Creative Magazine will be out at the end of September 29, 2024.
Launch Party to be held September 27, 2024!
Any questions email me at hello at dailycoffeefirst dot com
Theme for the first 12 Months

Check over the themes and pick those you are interested in writing for. We are accepting submissions now.

September: Finding Balance
October: Embracing the Halloween Spirit
November: Gratitude & Creativity
December: Reflections on the Year
January: New Beginnings & Goal Setting
February: Love & Creativity
March: Exploring Diversity in Art
April: Awakening Your Inner Muse
May: Bringing the Outdoors In
June: Embracing Creativity in the Sun
July: Freedom of Expression
August: The Art of Storytelling

Deadlines are as follows:

That means for September, submissions must be done in August. For October, submissions must be done in September, and so on.

All issues will release on the 29th of the month! 

Guest Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Wild Hearted Creative Magazine! We welcome submissions from creatives of all disciplines who share our passion for inspiring and empowering fellow creatives worldwide. To ensure the best possible experience for our readers, please review the following guidelines before submitting your work:
1. Content Focus:
  • We accept submissions across various creative disciplines, including but not limited to art, writing, photography, design, music, fashion, crafts, and entrepreneurship.
  • Submissions should align with our mission of inspiring and empowering creatives. We aim to provide content that motivates, guides, and shares honest insights into the creative process.
2. Originality:
  • All submissions must be original works created by the contributor. Plagiarized or previously published content will not be accepted.
  • We encourage fresh perspectives, unique voices, and innovative ideas that will resonate with our audience.
3. Content Format:
  • Written submissions: Articles, essays, interviews, tutorials, opinion pieces, and personal anecdotes are welcome. Please ensure that written pieces are well-crafted, engaging, and relevant to our audience.
  • Visual submissions: Photography, artwork, illustrations, and other visual content should be of high quality and suitable for online publication.
  • Multimedia submissions: We also accept multimedia content such as videos, podcasts, and interactive media. Please provide clear instructions or accompanying text to accompany multimedia submissions.
4. Submission Process:
  • To submit your work, please send an email to hello@wildheartedcreative.com with the subject line: “Wild Hearted Creative Magazine Submission: [Your Title/Topic].” (please note that we do have a monthly theme you can see here)
  • Include a brief bio introducing yourself and your creative background. Feel free to include links to your portfolio, website, or social media profiles.
  • Attach your submission as a Word document (for written content) or high-resolution image files (for visual content). For multimedia submissions, provide relevant links or file attachments – dropbox and Google Drive are great for larger files.
  • If your submission includes images, ensure you have the necessary rights and permissions for publication. Include image credits and captions where applicable.
5. Editorial Guidelines:
  • Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team for relevance, quality, and adherence to our guidelines.
  • We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, grammar, and formatting while preserving the integrity of the contributor’s voice.
  • Contributors will be notified of acceptance or rejection within a reasonable timeframe. Please allow up to [specify timeframe] for a response.
  • Accepted submissions may be published on our website, social media platforms, or other promotional channels associated with Wild Hearted Creative Magazine.
6. Compensation:
  • At this time, we are unable to offer monetary compensation for guest submissions. However, contributors will receive full credit for their work and exposure to our audience.
  • We believe in fostering a supportive creative community and providing a platform for emerging talent to showcase their work.
What you will receive: Contributors are not paid, but you will score these awesome goodies:
  • Author byline at the end of your contribution.
  • Author photo (if space permits, which is usually does.)
  • Clickable links to your blog, social media channels.
  • Exposure to our ever-expanding global audience, including 1,000+ mailing list, 4,000+ Facebook fans, and 200+ Wild Hearted Creative community members.
  • As well as the exposure contributors receive within the magazine, Wild Hearted Creative may also further promote contributors via social media, usually in the form of quotations and/or author mentions.
  • To further spread the word about your feature in Wild-Hearted Creative Magazine, we ask that you share a link to either on your blog or via social media at least once during the month in which you are featured in an issue.
Submission Checklist:
  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Links to your blog and social media channels
  • Title of your submission
  • File attached in word, Google Doc, or Pages format
  • Photos attached as JPEG or PNG format
  • Video to be submitted via Dropbox or Google Drive
  • Bio
  • Bio photo (recommended but not compulsory)
Thank you for considering Wild Hearted Creative Magazine for your submission. We look forward to receiving your creative contributions and sharing them with our readers!
Advertising Guidelines

Thank you for considering advertising with Wild Hearted Creative Magazine. Our platform is dedicated to inspiring and empowering creatives worldwide, and we appreciate your interest in reaching our audience.

To ensure the best experience for our readers and advertisers, please review the following guidelines before submitting your advertisement:

1. Relevance:
Advertisements should be relevant to our audience of creatives and align with the values and mission of Wild Hearted Creative Magazine.

We welcome advertisements for products, services, events, and opportunities that cater to the interests and needs of creatives across various disciplines.

2. Quality Standards:

All advertisements must meet high-quality standards in terms of design, content, and presentation.
Visual advertisements should be clear, visually appealing, and professionally designed.
Ad copy should be concise, engaging, and free from spelling or grammatical errors.

3. Transparency:

Advertisements must be identified as such and should not be misleading or deceptive in any way.
Sponsored content or advertorials should be labeled appropriately to distinguish them from editorial content.

4. Ad Placement:

Advertisements will be placed strategically within Wild Hearted Creative Magazine’s digital platform, including social media channels, and email newsletters.
We offer various advertising formats and placements, including banner ads, sponsored content, featured listings, and more.

5. Target Audience:

Consider the interests, preferences, and demographics of our audience when creating your advertisement.
Tailor your messaging and visuals to resonate with creatives who value authenticity, creativity, and personal growth.

6. Submission Process:

To submit your advertisement please contact us at hello@dailycoffeefirst.com
Provide all necessary materials, including ad creative, ad copy, and any relevant instructions or specifications.
We will review your submission and communicate any necessary revisions or adjustments before final approval.

7. Compliance:

Advertisements must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and advertising standards, including but not limited to those related to consumer protection, privacy, and intellectual property.
Wild Hearted Creative Magazine reserves the right to reject or remove any advertisement that does not meet our guidelines or standards.

8. Pricing and Terms:

Advertising Options & Prices:
Quarter page: USD 10.00
Half page: USD 15.00
Full page: USD 30.00

The deadline for advertising submission is the 15th of every month.

Thank you for your interest in advertising with Wild Hearted Creative Magazine. We look forward to helping you connect with our vibrant community of creatives and share your message in a meaningful and impactful way.