Around here, we climb the mountain of inspiration with our whole being.

The Wild-Hearted Weekly Currently Reaches 1,600+ creative, multi-passionate people and growing daily.


I’m Petra

Founder of the Wild-Hearted Creative, Author + Artist, with a slight addiction to coffee, and enjoy a good smutty romance novel or loud heavy metal music.

I’ve been on this wild-hearted creative journey for over 20 years, and yeah it’s not always been roses and sunshine.

It’s been more like a roller coaster full of ups and downs and I kinda had enough of that. Overcoming my own BS and excuses I went on a journey of changing or eliminating what got in my way.

I founded the Creative Freedom Method ™ in 2015 and it’s been my way to guide me and the goals I want to achieve.

Over the years, I heard many creatives tell me why they can’t do something and part of my mission is to remove those excuses and support creatives with tools and resources so they too can live a wild-hearted creative life.

The journey to your creative success isn’t about huge leaps over boulders, but rather the small, consistent steps climbing the mountain a little at a time.  Whether it’s a personal dream or a professional goal, here are a few ways I can support your next step.

Weekly Field Notes

Get inspired! Every Tuesday, I’ll send you a field note chronicling thoughts, ideas and what I am working on with discoveries from my creative process. Tips, tools, resources, and other practical stuffs.

You’ll also get:

☑️ Access to my all past and present field notes.

☑️ My Wild-Hearted Weekly {Free} Newsletter every Saturday.

Ask me Anything

You don’t always need expensive coaching calls that are time-consuming. You just wanna ask a question and get guidance specifically tailored for your life and business without complication. Come ask me a question every week!

Every week you’ll submit a form to ask your question and I’ll post an answer in the membership forum.

Questions are answered  every Thursday within the Membership Forum for all to see (this way everyone benefits!).

You can submit your questions to me anytime so time zone’s don’t matter!  

Mini-Bundles Events

Are you a creative entrepreneur or small business owner with valuable insights, tools, or resources to share?

Do you want to grow your email list with a little bit more ease instead of hoping someone will see your social media post?

I invite you to become a part of our mini-bundle events and showcase your expertise to a wide audience of passionate creatives and business owners.

Contributing your expertise through tools, resources, or content to become the go-to person in your field.  

The Wild-Hearted Weekly Currently Reaches 1,600+ creative, multi-passionate people and growing daily.