Please note that this newsletter contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Hey there, hi, something that is a common challenge for many is creative blocks. Identifying and overcoming these blocks can help you maintain your creative flow. Actionable Tip: Identify and overcome your creative blocks. Creative blocks can be frustrating, but they’re also a natural part of the process. Recognizing what’s holding you back is the first step toward overcoming it. Inspiration Corner: I go through a creative block every few weeks it feels like and it’s pretty darn annoying. Just earlier this year, I was struggling with what to wood-burn next. I wanted to create a series but was finding it difficult to find a theme that excited me. I decided to take a step back or rather go on a hike and ponder what was causing the block. And it doesn’t matter that I’ve been wood-burning for 25 years, I still experience the fear of imperfection. Here’s what I always feel like I have to remind myself of, I can always start over if I don’t like it. While I don’t enjoy having to sand down any art I already started, sometimes it is a necessary part of the process. And honestly, done is better than perfect. Creative Challenge: Write about your current creative blocks and strategies to overcome them. Here’s how:
Resource Recommendation: Read “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book explores the nature of creativity and offers practical advice on how to overcome fears and embrace your creative potential. Creative blocks are a normal part of the journey, but they don’t have to derail you. Stay wild-hearted! Cheers,
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#013 – Identifying and Overcoming Creative Blocks
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